Thursday, September 24, 2009

The best camera is the one thats with you!!

We all have our idols. Someone to learn from, someone we aspire to. For a number of years I have followed a great photographer and creative genius and he goes by the name of Chase Jarvis from the USA. Lately he has been posting heaps of photos taken with his iphone on his blog in order to make a point. The point was, as stated in the title of this post, that "The best camera is the one thats with you". It doesn't matter how many mega pixels it is or what ISO is goes up to, how good its dynamic range is BLAH BLAH BLAHDY BLAH, as long as you have a camera with you all the time. Almost everyone does........ even if its a cellphone its still a camera. The most important thing is that you share your images, your vision with others. There's no point on them staying locked up on your memory card or hard drive.

I don't have an iphone, well not yet anyway, but I have really taken this advice on and plan to do something similar, with whatever camera I have on me at the time, whether it be my 4 year old mobile, or my rather flimsy looking sony touch-screen compact job or my professional gear. The point is I will shoot. Anything, anywhere.

But I don't want to be alone. Maybe you could take some of the inspiration I got from a crazy dude all the way over in Seattle, USA. Join in with me. It'll be fun.

CREATE ---------> SHARE

Anyway time to practice what I preach.

More soon

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Vampire breath

I took this last year. I thought it was time I shared it. If you have been to my apartment you would have seen it printed and signed by owner and pilot, Brett Emery.
 GAP | Grant Armishaw Photography

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Once in a blue Moon

Well actually this scene replicates itself, in many hundreds of different shades and colours, almost every night and I only have to venture about 20m from my front door to shoot it. Sounds rather lazy doesn't it. Well as the weather seems to be getting a lot nicer I am going to be out an about much more in the coming weeks so keep an eye out.

 GAP | Grant Armishaw Photography

Devonport beach is possibly Auckland's most popular spots for tourists to come to and get their photo taken. I plan to monopolize on this in the summer by providing my services to take lovely portraits in front of the city, but some other media services seem to be using the beach already.

Sunday saw Auckland shrouded in the first evidence of the on-coming summer sun. From my bedroom window I saw a huge fuss down on the sand. I had to go check it out. A bunch of Chinese and NZers had got together to film a sing-a-long to a chinese song to promote the growing connection between the two regions of the world. It was absolutely hilarious to watch and right at the end a group of young peeps complete with guitar and rugby ball finished off the days filming.