The Dawn Princess visited Auckland earlier this month, one of many visits she will make during the busy cruise season.
The cruise ships always berth alongside the Hilton Hotel on the Auckland waterfront. Here are just a few aspects of this interesting piece of architecture. As you may be able to tell it is meant to resemble a cruise ship itself.
On Monday I was lucky enough to be tasked to photograph Prince William's visit to the National War Memorial in Wellington, New Zealand. He was an amazingly nice and kind person to be around and he asked everyone lots of questions and seemed to be genuinely interested in what they had to say. It was an honour to photograph him.
Enjoy. I received an email with a few photos from Dominion Post photographer Andrew Gorrie of me working hard during the visit. Thanks Andrew. That expression on my face isn't a good indicator of my enjoyment of the day but it does have a sence of deep concentration, or maybe it was the glare from the overcast sky ;-)
Two weekends ago after waking up rather late on a Sunday morning, I looked out my window and saw a bunch of crazy young guys (and on closer inspection, one girl) running around the ferry terminal car park and jumping and diving over the sea wall and onto the sand, doing all sorts of backflips and kung fu style moves in mid-air. They truly were death defying stunts. I suddenly wanted to go out and shoot them............... with my camera, not my secret stash of cold war era weaponry. I however realized I had a coffee date with a friend so had to pass the opportunity by.
I've always told myself to just jump at those chances, as they don't happen often and you can get some great results, so I was extremely stoked when on the following Sunday (I woke up a bit earlier this time) I saw the same group of people doing the same stunts. This time I wasn't letting anything get in my way. I jumped to action and got some gear organized and ran the extremely long 30m out of my house to where they were, not wanting to waste any time.
I politely introduced myself and the rest is history.
I found out what they were doing is called 'Free Running' and they meet up in different places around Auckland City each Sunday weather permitting.