On the weekend just been I photographed the lovely Kelly and Aaron on their very special day. You will see it was a wonderful ceremony and and even more wonderful day out in the sun for the location photos out at the Chelsea Sugar Factory.
Congratulations guys and all the best for the future.
Aaron seemed just a little nervous! But not for long.
Once the boys saw how gorgeous the girls looked with their flowers they didn't want to miss out.
Over the weekend that has just passed I shot my 1st wedding of the 2010/2011 season. I was privilaged to be able to capture the marriage of two wonderful young people. Kerry and Quintin were married in Totara Park in Auckland, so no one could deny me the chance to get their feet just a bit dirty and get them in amongst the totaras.
All the best for the future guys. You looked fantastic.
Hello everyone. It has been a heck of a long time since I got down to business with the blog thing. Sorry. One day I will get back on top of things and post some stuff I have been meaning to share for ages. Keep an eye out for it.
Last weekend I once again caught up with one of my best mates and his WONDERFUL wife and their brand new baby boy Joshua Tamakura Walker, who is now 6 weeks old and looking so damn cute. Here are some photos of the family and also Dan's father who was up from Christchurch for the weekend (and was up during the Earthquake the day before the shoot) so my thoughts are with him and all those from Christchurch during this scary time.
Dan and Michelle have done a fine job creating this little beautiful boy haven't they.